Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Magic and Music: Golgari (Black-Green)

Like the Orzhov or the Selesnya, the Golgari's premise is
translated easily into music: where death meets life. The
angle I took for them is creeping lush soundscapes, sort of
"When Nature Documentaries Go Awry." This concept already
has an amazing album behind it, Future Sound of London's
"Lifeforms," but dark acoustic/tribal music can work here,
highlighting the difference between Gruul and Golgari in the
process (Gruul's red makes that nature talk about passion,
while Golgari's black channels it into darkness.)

As I found out when making the Teneb (BGW) and Vorosh (GUB)
compilations, I'm in a black-green mood a lot when I'm
contemplative; this means I have a lot of music for it. This
was a simple one to put together, but it may be too...bland
for some. Unless you like darkness, this is a pretty
downtempo, late-night collection. I'm in that mood a lot, so
it works for me, but your mileage may vary even if you agree
that it's undeniably black-green.

Future Sound of London - Lifeforms (Path 1)
Hybrid - I Choose Noise
Future Sound of London - Papua New Guinea
The Orb - Oxbow Lakes
Future Sound of London - Dead Skin Cells
Delerium - Flowers Become Screens
Porcupine Tree - Lips of Ashes
Genesis - Entangled
Electric Skychurch - Limp
Susumu Yokota - The Destiny of the Little Bird Trapped Inside
a Small Cage for Life
Deep Forest - The First Twilight
Leftfield - Rino's Prayer

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